Marina Tha Soprano Music Classes

Music Videos

Music Videos Demonstrating Professional Quality of Education Offered in our Music Lessons

Music Videos are an excellent way to show not just our professional quality of education in our Music Subjects, but also our love and passion for Music. We have a wide collection of Music Videos for you to enjoy. So come on in and check us out! We think you’ll be glad you did. Here at Marina Tha Soprano Music Classes, we believe that everyone should have the opportunity to learn and enjoy music. That’s why we offer a variety of music classes to students of all ages and abilities. Our classical music classes provide a nurturing environment where students can explore their creativity and develop a lifelong love for music. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned musician, we can help you take your skills to the next level. And, of course, we have a wide selection of music videos for you to enjoy. Contact us today and our music classes are sure to provide you with the skills and knowledge you need to enjoy and practice music for years to come.

Voi Che Sapete

Angela plays flute

I can't Help Falling in Love with You


Песня Сольвейг, Solveig’s song

Hava Nagila

Faded, cover

Webcam video from January 2, 2013 4:18 PM

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Youtube Channel #1

- Marina Samoylovich

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- Marina Samoylovich

Youtube Channel #3

- Marina Samoylovich

Youtube Channel #4

- Marina Samoylovich

Reverbnation Video Channel

- Marina Samoylovich